UX Audit for B2B SaaS – 13 Best Practices for Enterprise Products

In our previous post on how to conduct a UX Audit for your SaaS, we discussed the first principles and overview to apply while going over a UX Audit.

In this guide, we will go over the tiny details (that are often overlooked) to have a complete overview for B2B SaaS products.

In no particular order –

  1. User Personas and Use Cases:
    • For most applications, there’s a good probability that you will have multiple roles and responsibilities within an organization (and your app). To follow best practices, map out specific use case and scenarios that your SaaS will serve for each persona.
    • Identify the personas your app will have and their use cases for each product. it’s recommended to map them out separately to make sure that user journey for all your personas is intuitive.
  2. Feature Relevance and Complexity:
    • Evaluate the relevance of each feature for your B2B users. Are there any features that are rarely used or unnecessary? Also good time to reiterate the importance of visibility of feature according to their relevancy to users. For eg. don’t hide ‘add contact’ behind multiple clicks if it’s a key feature of your product.
    • Consider the complexity of features – are they intuitive and user-friendly for your target audience?
  3. Data Security and Compliance:
    • Assess the security measures and data handling practices in your SaaS product. Security is crucial for B2B users handling sensitive information. Also communicate the steps you have taken and encryption algorithms used in your marketing material to build trust.
    • Ensure compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or industry-specific standards.
  4. Integration and Interoperability:
    • Analyze how well your SaaS product integrates with other tools commonly used in the B2B landscape.
    • Identify any compatibility issues or challenges that users might face when trying to integrate your product. You can also leverage APIs and integration platforms like Zapier to allow users to automate and integrate with their apps of choice.
    • One way to jump-start is to see integrations your competitors provide and start with them first.
  5. Customization and Personalization:
    • Explore the extent to which your SaaS product can be customized to meet the unique needs of B2B clients. Many enterprise clients will request changes and customizations to fit their requirements.
      Assess the options for personalization, such as branding, dashboards, and reporting. These are the most common front-end requests enterprise clients usually have for B2B SaaS Products.
  6. Collaboration and Team Workflows:
    • Consider how your SaaS product supports collaboration among team members within a B2B organization. Evaluate features like user roles, sharing, commenting, and version control.
  7. Data Analytics and Reporting:
    • Review the data analytics and reporting capabilities of your SaaS product. Data visualization is vital for B2B users who need insights for decision-making. Ensure that the reporting features are intuitive and provide actionable insights.
    • If your product involves multiple roles, you can also leverage different reporting capabilities for each role. A sales manager will like to see how his team is doing vs. an SDR who would like to keep track of business development.
  8. Onboarding and Training:
    • Evaluate the onboarding process for new B2B users. Is it easy for them to understand the product’s value and start using it effectively? Consider the availability of training resources, documentation, and customer support. In some cases, it’s also worth it to go the extra mile and provide personalized onboarding or training.
  9. Support and Customer Service:
    • Assess the responsiveness and quality of customer support provided to B2B clients.
    • Analyze the channels available for support, such as email, chat, or call. Investing in great Customer Success Reps usually results in great NPS even if there’s an issue or two.
  10. ROI and Value Proposition:
    • Highlight the value that your SaaS product brings to B2B clients. How does it help them save time, and money, or achieve their goals? Communicate the value your product provides via marketing, outreach, and onboarding material.
    • Provide case studies or success stories that demonstrate the ROI of using your product. There can also be an opportunity to gamify this ‘ROI’ right into your product which ends up being a great feedback loop for users.
  11. Contract Renewal and Churn Prevention:
    • Examine the user experience during the contract renewal process. Is it straightforward and transparent? Completing both ends of a customer life cycle, onboarding and renewals is highly recommended.
    • Identify potential pain points that might lead to churn and address them proactively.
  12. Industry-Specific Considerations:
    For B2B businesses serving specific industries (healthcare, finance, governments, etc.). Consider industry-specific regulations, requirements, and needs.
    High-ticket clients can also ask for certifications, long contracts or SLA agreements before agreeing to sign the dotted line. Ensure you’re well prepared in advance to ensure seamless onboarding.
  13. Enterprise Compliance for B2B SaaS
    • Single Sign On (SSO) and SOC Compliances are a few of the things we will need to cover in order to optimize our experience for Enterprise Clients.
    • Ensure they’re well-documented and accessible to your clients on your website.
    • For a baseline, see how Slack does it.
    • We also recommend WorkOS, it is the best solution we have found for our clients to ensure enterprise readiness without the heavy lifting.

Implementing these B2B SaaS UX best practices can transform your SaaS and elevate your user experience. Feel free to drop us a line if you have any specific questions. You can also take advantage of our free resources including checklists and best practices for all things UX.

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